MWPGM Gilbert E. McClary Sr.

49th Grand Master: 2021-2023

State of the Craft

MWPGM Lester L. Dickson

48th Grand Master: 2018 - 2021

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Julius W. Brown Jr.

47th Grand Master: 2016 - 2018

State of the Craft: Masonry has stood the test of time, enemy assault, fall of governments and it continues to seep into the lives of those that seek it. No greater joy in Masonry is there than when you were first brought to light. For it is at that moment that you decide to give your life to building better men. The journey of a Mason is an individual one. No two men travel the same path. With that, we are destined to make and experience different types of Masons. Through it all, the strong, bold and fearless pursue the course they set out on when they left the west and traveled east. Masonry knows no color, respects no wealth nor station nor earthly emoluments, it only exacts service from humanity to humanity as its only toll.

MWPGM Gregory D. Wraggs, Sr.

46th Grand Master: 2014 - 2016

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Patrick L. Hughes Sr.

45th Grand Master: 2013 - 2014

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Gardner L. Torrance Sr.

44th Grand Master: 2011 - 2013

"State of the Craft" ...extracted from 2012 Annual Address: “I find the Craft in good condition. We are not suffering from any major problems' that we have not seen before. I have visited all our districts and wherever I went the Craft was very responsive and cooperative. We have in the Jurisdiction 65 lodges and our membership stands around 2,200. This past masonic year I made it a main focus be appointing a Membership and Reclamation Committee that was empowered to explore the latest technology retain our present members and attract new ones. My edict waving assessment fees by members wanting to reinstate paid dividends by the looks of the numbers captured in the Grand Secretary’s Annual Report. The reclamation part was decent however we have to work on the retaining part where we still are losing a significant number of Brothers to non-payment of dues. We can’t reclaim 5 and then turn around and dropped 3. We somehow got to find ways to keep our young Brothers interested in lodge meetings. Key word is interested…if they see we are not doing anything productive and that good for the order then they turn their interest elsewhere. I must say and with consequences we have few brothers in this jurisdiction that just seems to be on the other side of the fence regardless if right or wrong. I made it quite clear at the beginning of this administration that you were either “For” the Grand Lodge or “Against.” My exact conversation was that there would be no fence riders.” Warm Regards, M.W. Gardner M. Torrence, Sr., PGM #42 44th Grand Master of Masons MWPHGL WA

MWPGM Dr. Charlie Walker III

43rd Grand Master: 2010 - 2011

State of the Craft

MWPGM Kenneth Anthony

42nd Grand Master: 2008 - 2010

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Harden M. Keyes, Sr.

41st Grand Master: 2006 - 2008

State of the Craft:

MWPGM Wendell O. Hutchins

40th Grand Master: 2004 - 2006

State of the Craft: I am pleased to report for the most part, all lodges are doing fairly well. As most of you are aware, we are continuing to experience a negative impact on our lodges in Europe and the Far East, resulting from the drawdown of our Military Forces; this has been going on since the war start-ed two years ago. I anticipate that a large majority of our membership will be deploying back to Iraq, beginning in November 2005, through February 2006. They should be returning the beginning of 2007, at which time many military bases in Germany are scheduled to close down by mid-2007. The plan is to relocate many of the soldiers assigned to the 3rd Armored Division to Bavaria, meaning Grafenwöhr, Vilseck, Katter Bach, and Illesheim. The 1st Infantry Division is scheduled to be re-turned back to the United States. If this comes to pass, this would have us with about eight military bases remaining in Germany.

MWPGM James F. Troutt II

38th MW Grand Master: 2000 - 2002

99th Annual Address MW Troutt 2002

MWPGM Kenneth Swanigan

34th MW Grand Master: 1988-1990

State of Craft: I am pleased to report that Prince Hall Masonry in the Sate of Washington and its jurisdiction is alive and well. The sweet fragrance of brotherly love seems to permeate every aspect of our fraternity. Everywhere I have traveled, I have been accorded the greatest hospitality and courtesy, human-ly possible.

MWPGM Carlton Tucker

30th MW Grand Master: 1980 - 1982

State of the Craft: I am pleased to report that the craft is in an excellent condition. Although there have been many problems to face, and many decisions to make and a tremendous amount of time spent in travel and trying to do the many things that are required of this office. I am pleased and happy to report that the true spirit of Prince Hall Freemasonry prevails throughout this Grand Jurisdiction.

PGM's by Dates

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Final List of PGM

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